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Welcome to ALWOM Message Board : Teen Talk

RE:What should I do/Ryan
March 29, 2003 at 12:51 AM
Excuse me, Ryan...
but I don't understand what you are talking about????
RE:What should I do?
March 27, 2003 at 11:48 PM
Whoever you are, need to stop posting the same old messages.
RE:What should I do?
March 19, 2003 at 5:05 PM
I will engage in this once.
Are you two trying to learn from each other or are you simply trying to wind a point. I will like to give you my take on that question.
In dealing with what others do, that which we might find offensive.
First we need to remember that you and I cannot control people,second people will only take into consideration your convictions, only if it offends them to.
But then again the question does remain, do we listen to music that we consider wordly?, and or can we dance to the beat of tunes of music that we consider wordly? Well, from time to time I do enjoy some mellow music, as I am sure other people may do too. So what can we say then, that it is okay for us to do as the world does? Trully, we are in this world, and we will come cross certain things that we will like and enjoy, but just because it is likeable, it does not mean that it will be acceptable, or spiritually edifying, if we make it a strong part of opur lives. Because we are what we eat, spiritually, mentaly and fisicaly. So to what degree can be do this things?
To the degree that reminds us that we are mere humans, but not to the degree that will make us heathens.
So, then again, what must we do about those brothers that do things that we do not approve of. Nothing, just pray...and then let them be, just make sure that you follow Jesus.
Now, this is also true, we only apply in our lives the truth that we have come to accept, and that acceptance is based on the degree of our revelation of that truth. I'll advice this, if you find your selves wiling to receive.
Remember that If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. After you have shared your message leave your neighbor alone, and focus yourself in growing up spiritualy and become a man or a woman of God with tangebale fruits of integrity that will give groly to Jesus.

Be blessed.
RE:What should I do?
March 18, 2003 at 8:01:04 PM
hey, hershey. question..... what's wrong with dancing? i dance, i'm a strong christian. my dad dances, he's a reeeeeally strong christian. there is nothing wrong w/ dancing!
RE:What should I do?
March 2, 2003 at 7:24 PM
Hey I don't know about the people encharged of this web site, but I want you to know that your did have a good answer. Thanx!
RE:What should I do?
March 2, 2003 at 5:25 PM
I am wondering if there is a tint of censorship here. I wrote a good response to Hershey's problem and even though she was not talking about Christian Music and Christian Dancing, which I acknowlege and admit I misunderstood. It would still have been a good message to leave on te board for others to read if they had that question in regards to Christian Music. I come back to find that my post isn't even on here anymore. Are the people running this thing arbitrarily removing posts they don't agree with? Doesn't sound like a real discussion board to me. I didn't write anything in a bad manner. I was sincerely answering the question as I understood it. Whoever deleted the other message I posted can feel free to delete this one if they put the other one back up. I have linked my website to this site hoping it would help people who come to my page but if you run the risk of having posts removed for no reason then I may just remove my link to this site.
RE:What should I do?
March 1, 2003 at 5:43 PM
Someone else wrote back saying that every generation and culture has different music so there is no such thing as "worldly" music or "Holy" music. It just depends on what type of music you like to praise the Lord with. What I meant by "worldy" music is stuff like "Los Jaguares, Ludicrous, Mana," and what I meant by "dancing" in dancing with other people for pleasure and not dancing in the spirit. I just thought I'd clear that so there won't be misunderstandings. God Bless!
What should I do?
February 28, 2003 at 4:34 PM

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