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Welcome to ALWOM Message Board : Teen Talk

RE:To all the girls who an opinion on dating!
April 25, 2003 at 1:41 AM
Don't make the mistake of putting some knucklehead at the top of your priority list. Develop yourself as a person before allowing your energy to be poured into a serious relationship...but live life, in Jesus's name. AMEN.
RE:To all the girls who an opinion on dating!
April 23, 2003 at 10:53 AM
I believe in exactly what you are saying . i have only had one boyfriend and i think that it made it special betwen us because he as my first boyfriend and my first kiss. i mean i was 16 and he was my first kiss. now that we have broken up though i worry that with my next boyfriend (im in no hurry to get) that it wont be as special because he wont be my first kiss or boyfriend so i feel better about not having hundreds of short term boyfriends because it will be better, more special for when i find someone i really like and will hopefully have a future with
RE:To all the girls who an opinion on dating!
April 4, 2003 at 1:05 PM
"God's Princesses"
hmmmm....i like that!
RE: specifically to mrs. faithfullness-To all the girls who an opinion on dating!
March 15, 2003 at 1:08:02 AM
Miss Faithfulheart...silly...

Why are there links on every word that says dating...boyfriends? etc...
is there a mistake somewhere? Is anyone else getting links to lavalife????

RE: specifically to mrs. faithfullness-To all the girls who an opinion on dating!
March 8, 2003 at 2:490 AM
ms. faithfullness,
i'd like to hear your opinions on this matter! i've read all that you've writen and it sounds like you strive to be a better christian every day! please answer back. may our God Almighty Bless You!
RE:To all the girls who an opinion on dating!
March 8, 2003 at 2:37 AM
my pastor has said the same thing! i guess i wasn't sure of what to think. i "know" that god will put in my path the one for me, meanwhile it's worth waiting like you say. thanx again.
RE:To all the girls who an opinion on dating!
March 7, 2003 at 12:39 AM
Dating is a fine art... a lot of times people use it as an excuse to sin... perhaps without even realizing that they are! I do not believe that there is anything wrong with kissing someone, if it is done with pure intentions. I'm not saying that you should kiss every person you date, or that you should date a lot of people, either! I think that when you are mature enough to handle "kissing" that God will send you the right person. Just be patient... trust me, it's well worth the wait!

By the way, I'm not a female, but I hope that my two cents worth is some help... you can keep the change! ;-)
RE:To all the girls who an opinion on dating!
February 28, 2003 at 10:02:09 PM
Well i'm not a lady, but i think that what you're saying makes perfect sence.
To all the girls who an opinion on dating!
February 27, 2003 at 10:02:09 PM

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